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Tips To Remove Dark Lips

Dark lips is a common lips problem which is caused by excessive intake of tea or coffee, smoking, excessive exposure to sun, skin dryness, wrong makeup and heavy makeup, using products of cheap brand lipsticks with fragrance, allergy and dryness. So the first thing you should do to remove dark lips is to quit excessive Tea or Coffee, smoking, cheap lipsticks, exposure to sun and lip licking. In addition you can follow these tips and home remedies to have nice and beautiful lips. .. 1. Scrub your lips with toothbrush every night after you brush your teeth to erase dead skins from your lips. 2. Use lemon juice with almond oil or glycerin every night on your lips. 3. Before using any lipstick do a patch test by applying it on your arm. Do not use that lipstick if there is any sort of irritation or other discomfort. 4. Always remove the lipsticks every night before going to sleep. 5. Apply fresh coconut milk over your face and lips. This gives a glow to your skin and avoids lips gett

While mom in labour room

Suatu hari di PPUM Kuala Lumpur, 20 March 2014  Sementara menanti mama bertarung nyawa mengeluarkan adik baby dari alam rahim ke dunia. Kami dua beradik bergembira main mainan di bawah ini...\(",)/ Dan makan nasi lemak sedap sebungkus sorg kat cafe bawah ni..  Itu saja cerita saya...Sekian..terima kasih kerana sudi membaca.. :)